square away

英 [skweə(r) əˈweɪ] 美 [skwer əˈweɪ]

网络  整理好; 迎风扬帆; 摆好姿势


  1. Negotiators have already squared away a lot of the agreements that will be signed at the Earth Summit.
  2. Over-farming and drought led to400,000 square kilometers of prime top soil blowing away in the wind in the1930s, exacerbating, and exacerbated by, the Great Depression.
  3. Square away the room before you leave.
  4. Our captain ordered us to square away and sail before the wind.
  5. We must get over to Washington square, right away.
  6. You should square the paper away before you leave the office.
  7. The amount of light emitted by one candle that falls on one square foot of surface one foot away is called a lumen ( lm).
  8. And if we go ahead and square that, then what we get is a probability density, and specifically it's the probability of finding an electron in a certain small defined volume away from the nucleus.
  9. The captain ordered the crew to square away and sail before the wind.
  10. Okay, soon as I square away mrs, dexter.
  11. It stretched its neck low again and, making a perfectly square turn in itself because it could not climb over Laura, it went flowing around her and away in the grass.
  12. A well-dressed man with a suitcase hailed a cab in New York City and asked to be taken to Times Square, which was only a few blocks away.
  13. The biggest arrest occurred at Freedom Square just several streets away from the white house.
  14. The captain ordered to square the ship away.
  15. It's but a five minute walk from Renmin Square and a step away from the bright lights of Shanghai's famous Nanjing Road.
  16. During the eight consecutive days, the college students altogether cleared away a 660,000 square meter layer of ice. This represents 70% of the total work involved in clearing away the ice.
  17. A unit of illuminative brightness equal to one candle per square meter, measured perpendicular to the rays of the source. The amount of light emitted by one candle that falls on one square foot of surface one foot away is called a lumen ( lm).
  18. I need to call Jessica today to square away the plans for our date tomorrow night.
  19. The square just above this square is 4 squares away ( remember, only move horizontally and vertically) for an H score of 40.
  20. I congratulated myself on this great solution: He'd get a square meal and maybe keep the mice away, too.
  21. In this paper the faded-memory least square method is applied on real-time correction and the variation of forgetting factors influencing on the accuracy of flood forecasting of the basin is studied. Faded Photograph The difference was faded away with the growth and development in the middle stage.



  1. put (things or places) in order
    1. Tidy up your room!

    Synonym:    tidytidy upclean upneatenstraightenstraighten out